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We want a student’s stay at Southbourne School of English to be as comfortable and memorable as possible. After school there are opportunities for students to spend time with their hosts or attend optional evening activities.
Homestay is a very popular choice for students, as it makes a huge difference to how well they learn English and British culture.
Our dedicated Accommodation Officer places students aged 10+ in homestay accommodation, either within walking distance or a short bus journey from the school.
The Accommodation and Welfare Officer’s are both here to ensure that our students are happy and healthy. So no matter how big or small the problem is, they’re there to help.
When seeking medical advice, most students see their host’s doctor or dentist, but we can help to arrange appointments. Before travelling to Britain, we recommend you take out insurance. Students from the EU can apply for a UK GHIC card.
We also have a 24-hour emergency helpline for hosts and students. A member of staff will assist you in any out-of-hours emergency.
Senior students under the age of 18 years who are travelling independently will meet with our Welfare Officer once a week. They talk about any issues or difficulties they have with settling into life in England with him.
*Details available from School Reception
In the UK anyone under the age of 18 is a minor. We have to take extra care of students under 18. Every week there will be a meeting with our Welfare Officer, Charlie, for students who are 15, 16, or 17 years old who are not part of a group. Students must attend this meeting. Kathryn will check that everything is ok with their stay. If students have any problems at all or they are worried about anything, they can speak to Kathryn at any time. If they want to speak to her in private, she will arrange to speak to them.
If students are absent from school, the teacher will report it so it is important that students arrive on time every day. If a student is ill, they can speak to our Welfare Officer to arrange a doctor’s appointment.
We ask students to be courteous and let their hosts know where they are going when leaving the house. For example, if they miss the bus home and will be late, they should call the host to let them know. Students who we can’t get in contact of will be reported as missing to the police.
It is important to remember that in the UK:
It is important for parents to know that students studying on an adult course (age 15+) will not be supervised at break times, after school and on evening activities.
Unsupervised curfews for under 18’s vary – our school policy is:
12 years and under
Not allowed out unsupervised
13-14 year olds
15 year olds
16-17 year olds
18+ years old
No curfew – they will be given a key by a host so that they can come and go as they need to, within reason.
This is unless the agent, parent or group leader has specified something different.