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I stayed here for about 8 months, and I had a really good time.
The teachers are perfect, the school staff are very kind. Not only the knowledge of English, but I also learnt a lot of things that I can’t experience in my country. I really appreciate all people who involved with this school. Also, my host family was absolutely amazing. I’ve got a lot of unforgettable memories with them.
I highly recommend to study in Southbourne School of English
I want to thank the school for all the dedication and for making me feel at home. I appreciate everything my teachers and the school have taught me for helping me improve my level in English every day, I have been able to meet incredible people throughout this time and I am very sure that everything will continue to be wonderful.
It was a very exciting time for me, but also a big challenge. I felt completely at home in the class and I had a teacher Michael, who showed me that you can learn a lot with humour. And with Nigel we had a lot of good topics.
The school was like a big family for me. Every student was addressed by name, it was very personal and I felt very comfortable.
I would do these three weeks again at any time and I am grateful for the lovely friendships that have developed with people from all over the world.
I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart and please send warm greetings to everyone,
How can I describe such a wonderful experience as the one I was able to live at this school! I am happy with all the people I was able to meet and they made my stay wonderful and unforgettable. I can only thank everyone who makes up the school, they are all excellent people. And to my host family who made me feel at home, thank you, thank you and thank you. I will always carry you all in my heart!
Southbourne English School is very good. The teachers are very experienced and friendly. The food in the canteen is great. It’s an advantage that the school is close to the center. Another advantage is that there are not too many students in the class. Thank you to the entire school team.
I believe that what makes an experience unforgettable is that special moment when you realise that a new place feels like home, no matter how far you really are from it. This is simply what I have felt right here; like I’m in a large family, with a multicultural atmosphere. A place that is worth a piece of your heart.
The teachers are very nice helping to improve our English using different activities and exercises.
I’d like to thank everybody for giving me the opportunity of studying here, meeting people, improving my English and so on. I managed to become very gregarious, and became friends with almost every student, with the teachers, the people in reception and the office.
Thanks to the school and the people in it. I could say I found myself, because before coming here I was very shy, now I’m not afraid of meeting new people, and I can’t still believe that 4 years ago I was in elementary and now I’m in advanced which is the highest level, I could say “I started from the bottom, now I’m here”.
One of the things that I like about the school; the teachers, the teachers are friendly, they’ll always try to do their best to teach you and to help you with whatever you need, sometimes they become more friends rather than teachers.
The hardest part of being here for too long, is that I have to say goodbye to a lot of people that I love. In resume, the school teach you not just grammar or listening or writing, they also teach you how to get along with people, so they help you spiritually, they help you to improve yourself rather than just learn one language. I wish I could stay here more, because the school has become my home, and I owe everything to the school, the teachers and my friends, because of them, I can say that finally I found myself and the reason for why I’m here in this world.
Thank you for the opportunity of a lifetime, now I’m looking forward to go back home, go to university and then come back to Bournemouth because now I’m in love with this city.
Words can’t express how grateful I am for your treatment of me those months that I lived with you. You took me in as if I was a brother or son, you made me feel like I was right at home in a foreign land thousands of miles away from my own family and friends.
You pushed me to try harder and be better every day and you never made me feel stupid for making mistakes. You helped me out with any questions I had and always showed an interest in my upcoming tests and presentations I was preparing for.
You stood with me when I was missing home, and frustrated living in a different language every day and gave me life advice.
You helped me to feel at home in my new city, giving me advice about places to eat, sights to see, and parks to visit. You accepted me in as a part of the school, even if it was for a quick time.
You taught me so much, you were a major part of my study abroad experience and I can’t thank you enough for everything that you did for me. I can only hope that I made an impact on you like you did on me.
To ensure our students are provided with the best educational experience at Southbourne School of English, we are measured and accredited by some of the top language authorities in the country. These include:
British Council
The British Council works in cultural relations, creating international opportunities for people all around the world. They support educators in the UK and worldwide, working with them to boost the quality of education.
English UK
English UK is the national association of accredited English Language centres.
Quality English
Quality English is a group of established, independent schools. We are delighted to be one of them. Quality English carefully selects each school based on their excellent teaching and the exceptional service they offer to their students.
IALC is an international non-profit association that for close to 35 years have been accrediting independent language centres that teach the language of their country. As well as outstanding teaching standards and service, IALC language schools have individual character and a real connection with their local community.
All IALC language schools are quality assured and boutique, providing guaranteed professionalism, personal attention and an exceptional learning experience.
LanguageCert* is an Awarding Organisation dedicated to language skills assessment and certification. It is a member of PeopleCert, a global leader in the certification industry, that has been delivering millions of exams in 200 countries.