This blog post is a fictional timeline of events, following the life of an adult student called Mimoko. This is based on a typical day in the life of a student at Southbourne School of English.
7:30am – It is time for Mimoko to get out of bed and get ready for the school day.
7:50am – Mimoko goes downstairs to eat breakfast. Yesterday he had cereal but today he is having toast with butter and jam. As for a drink, Mimoko enjoys a nice glass of orange juice and a cup of tea. Yum!
8:50am – After showering and getting ready, Mimoko leaves his house and walks to school – it only takes 5 minutes because his home-stay is on a road nearby. He is looking forward to the trip he has booked for this afternoon!
9:05am – Mimoko arrives at school in good time and goes to his first class of the day with teacher Holly.
9:15am – The lesson begins and Mimoko talks to his new international friends about what he did yesterday after school. During the lesson, Mimoko works in pairs to develop his speaking, in a group for listening and individually for writing/grammar.
10:15am – The bell rings, signalling the first break of the day. Mimoko goes in the cafeteria with his classmates, to get a drink, a snack and to order his lunch for later. They continue to speak in English about their interests – he knows that speaking English outside of class is just as important for him, as he can learn conversational English that will help him with day-to-day interactions.
10:30am – Mimoko hears the bell for the second lesson and then makes his way to the classroom.
12:45am – The bell rings after Mimoko’s third lesson and as its Friday, his lessons have finished. Studying on the Intensive English course, Mimoko has 21 hours of tuition per week.
1:30pm – After eating his lunch – freshly prepared in the cafeteria – Mimoko gets on the coach near the student entrance for his afternoon activity. Today, the school have organised a trip for a cultural tour of Winchester, the old capital of England. Exciting!
6:30pm – At around 6pm the coach returns to the school. Mimoko has had a great day but is very tired. He walks back to his home-stay with his housemate, Maria. When they arrive they are given their evening meal and tonight, the host mother has made spaghetti Bolognese – Mimoko’s favourite!