Studying with blog books

Studying on an English course is a fantastic opportunity to really improve your English level!

Here are some great ways to make the best of your time when studying at Southbourne School of English:

  1. Make friends from different nationalities. This teaches you about new cultures and helps improve your English the most!
  2. Eat British food at your host families and in British restaurants. There are so many different British dishes to try, from Fish n’ Chips to Toad in the hole!
  3. Speak English as much as possible. It is simple, the more you speak English, the faster you will pick it up!
  4. Travel and go on excursions. Travel around the local areas and make sure you go on our excursions to places like London, Winchester and Oxford! As a result, you will pick up British culture and see amazing new towns and cities.
  5. Go to your classes (100% attendance if possible). You are here to learn so use your time here and make sure you don’t skip any classes unless you are really ill.
  6. Ask questions and speak to us. We are here to help, if you have any questions then ask us! We don’t bite. Here’s where to go to get your answers for certain questions:
    1. Classes – Academic Office
    2. Health/Host family – Accommodation and Welfare Office
    3. Bookings/Excursions – Reception or the Activity Office
  7. Watch English TV/Movies. If you watch English TV/Movies, add the subtitles and learn movie spoken word! Therefore, you may pick up some brand new words!
  8. Carry a dictionary around! It can sometimes be very useful to have a dictionary on hand to look up a word you are unsure of!
  9. Read English News. Keep up to date with current affairs AND learn lots of English!
  10. Have a great time and go out a lot! Make sure you go out with your friends and have a great time, as a result you will make some memories and come back with improved English!
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